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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535449


Introducción: La literatura científica reporta que la autopsia psicológica desde sus inicios fue utilizada con la finalidad de ayudar a determinar las circunstancias de muerte de una persona, no obstante, en la actualidad se acoge más como concepto que como una herramienta procedimental. Objetivo: Establecer si en Colombia se ha utilizado para reconstruir los aspectos pre mortem de quienes han fallecido en extrañas circunstancias, de acuerdo con la finalidad de esta. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en 10 bases de datos; se emplearon como palabras clave "autopsia psicológica" y "Colombia", bajo una ventana de observación entre 2010 al 2021; por medio del método PRISMA. Resultados: Se evidencia que en Colombia durante los últimos 10 años el número de estudios asciende a 19, publicados en bases de datos, de los cuales 16 no emplearon el procedimiento de autopsia psicológica y solo tres de ellos sí lo hicieron. Discusión: Existe una tendencia a emplear la autopsia psicológica como concepto desde un enfoque clínico para respaldar los análisis retrospectivos, que, como técnica o procedimiento, se distancia de la posibilidad de reconstruir la criminodinámica del delito, así como la reconstrucción de aspectos de la personalidad, el estado mental y el estilo de vida de quién ha fallecido. Conclusiones: Se resalta que en Colombia la autopsia psicológica se ha utilizado exclusivamente en el campo clínico, sin el rigor científico, metodológico y sin la validez del protocolo empleado.

Introduction: The scientific literature reports that psychological autopsy from its beginnings was used with the purpose of helping to determine the circumstances of death of a person, however, it is currently embraced more as a concept than as a procedural tool. Objective: to establish if in Colombia it has been used to reconstruct the pre-mortem aspects of those who have died under strange circumstances, according to its purpose. Methodology: a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out in 10 databases, using as keywords psychological autopsy and Colombia, under a window of observation between 2010 and 2021; using the PRISMA method. Results: they show that in Colombia during the last 10 years the number of studies published in databases amounts to 19, of which 16 did not use the psychological autopsy procedure and only three of them did. Discussion: There is a tendency to use psychological autopsy as a concept from a clinical approach to support retrospective analyses rather than as a technique or procedure, distancing us from the possibility of reconstructing the criminodynamics of the crime, as well as reconstructing aspects of the personality, mental state and lifestyle of the deceased. Conclusions: it is highlighted that in Colombia the psychological autopsy has been used exclusively in the clinical field, without the scientific and methodological rigor and without the validity of the protocol used.

Rev. crim ; 65(3): 11-30, 20230910. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537837


Theft from the person is one of the highest impact crimes in Bogotá, with a national share of approximately 38 %. This crime brought to the attention of the authorities is referred to by academics as recorded or reported crime and is used by the police for different purposes, particularly for criminal investigation, but with inefficient results in the identification of perpetrators. Therefore, the type of research is qualitative and has the objective of linking the citizen through a process of collaborative technological innovation, with the purpose of collecting, processing and analysing reported or non-reported information (hidden crime) in a timely, anonymous and efficient manner with disruptive technologies prioritized for the project.The methodology used begins with the discovery stage by identifying key actors and building user stories. Then, in the understanding stage, the value proposition is put forth by means of a hypothesis that is validated in a process of experimentation, and finally, in the build stage, a technology watch analysis is carried out and the proposal for the collaborative system between the citizen and the police with a technological approach is put forward. The results are based on the identification and prioritization of five technologies, two actors, three variables and application of six low and medium fidelity prototypes, as well as the acceptance of citizens in collecting and sharing timely information at 87 %; that information focuses on video, audio, photos and localization at 55 %.On the other hand, with the entry into operation of the collaborative system, the researchers indicate that it would optimise investigation by 50 % through the timely identification of the perpetrators. As for the conclusion, the information analyzed and obtained from the results allows to reach, in a first phase, validation of the established hypothesis, but at the same time recognising the importance of including methodologies such as System Dynamics that allow for the systemic analysis of the information established by other actors and its impact on the proposed collaborative system.The use of citizen information in criminal investigation through a collaborative technological innovation process to counteract theft from the person in Bogotá

El hurto a personas es uno de los delitos de mayor impacto en temas de seguridad para Bogotá con una participación a nivel nacional del 38 % aproximadamente. Este delito puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades es denominado por académicos como criminalidad registrada o denunciada y es utilizada por la institución policial para diferentes fines, en especial para la investigación criminal, pero con resultados poco eficientes en la identificación de victimarios. Por lo tanto, el tipo de investigación es cualitativa y tiene como objetivo vincular al ciudadano mediante un proceso de innovación tecnológico colaborativo, con el propósito de recolectar, tratar y analizar información denunciada y no denunciada (criminalidad oculta) de manera oportuna, anónima y eficiente con tecnologías disruptivas priorizadas para el proyecto. La metodología empleada inicia con la etapa de descubrir mediante la identificación de actores claves y la construcción de historias de usuario. Luego, en la etapa comprender se plantea la propuesta de valor mediante una hipótesis que se valida en un proceso de experimentación, y por último en la etapa construir, se realiza un análisis de vigilancia tecnológica y se plantea la propuesta del sistema colaborativo entre el ciudadano y la policía con enfoque tecnológico. Los resultados se basan en la identificación y priorización de cinco tecnologías, dos actores, tres variables y aplicación de seis prototipos de baja y mediana fidelidad, así como la aceptación de la ciudadanía en recolectar y compartir información oportuna en un87 %, esa información se centra en videos, audios, fotos y localización con un 55 %. Por otro lado, con la entrada en funcionamiento del sistema colaborativo, los investigadores indican que optimizaría la investigación en un 50 % mediante la identificación oportuna de los victimarios. En cuanto a la conclusión, la información analizada y obtenida de los resultados, permite llegar en una primera fase, a validar la hipótesis establecida, pero a la vez, la importancia de incluir metodologías como la Dinámica de Sistemas que permita el análisis sistémico de la información establecida por otros actores y su impacto en el sistema colaborativo propuesto.

O roubo de pessoas é um dos crimes de maior impacto nas questões de segurança de Bogotá, com uma participação nacional de aproximadamente 38 %. Este crime levado ao conhecimento das autoridades é denominado pelos acadêmicos como crime registrado ou denunciado e é utilizado pela instituição policial para diversos fins, principalmente para investigação criminal, mas com resultados ineficientes na identificação dos autores. Portanto, o tipo de pesquisa é qualitativo e visa vincular os cidadãos por meio de um processo colaborativo de inovação tecnológica, com o objetivo de coletar, tratar e analisar informações denunciadas e não denunciadas (crimes ocultos) de maneira oportuna, anônima e eficiente, priorizando tecnologias disruptivas. para o projeto. A metodologia utilizada começa com a fase de descoberta, identificando os principais atores e construindo histórias de usuários. Depois, na fase de compreensão, é proposta a proposta de valor através de uma hipótese que é validada num processo de experimentação e, finalmente, na fase de construção, é realizada uma análise de vigilância tecnológica e é proposta a proposta de um sistema colaborativo entre cidadãos. e a polícia com foco tecnológico. Os resultados baseiam-se na identificação e priorização de cinco tecnologias, dois atores, três variáveis e aplicação de seis protótipos de baixa e média fidelidade, bem como na aceitação dos cidadãos na recolha e partilha de informação atempada em 87 %, esta informação centra-se em vídeos, áudios, fotos e localização com 55 %. Por outro lado, com a entrada em funcionamento do sistema colaborativo, os investigadores indicam que otimizaria a investigação em 50 % através da identificação atempada dos autores. Quanto à conclusão, a informação analisada e obtida a partir dos resultados permite-nos chegar numa primeira fase à validação da hipótese estabelecida, mas ao mesmo tempo, a importância de incluir metodologias como a Dinâmica de Sistemas que permite a análise sistémica da informação estabelecida por outros atores e seu impacto no sistema colaborativo proposto.

Humans , Technology , Creativity
Rev. crim ; 65(3): 137-148, 20230910. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538411


La rueda de reconocimiento es una diligencia de investigación policial orientada a identificar al autor de un crimen. Se trata de una práctica relativamente frecuente que puede tener como resultado consolidar sospechas o también descartar líneas de investigación. La rueda de reconocimiento suele estar precedida de la exposición de un álbum de fotos y también es frecuente solicitar al mismo testigo que haga una descripción o un retrato robot del atacante. Existen fundadas sospechas de que la concatenación de estas diligencias policiales de identificación desvirtúa la eficacia de la declaración del testigo presencial para elegir al verdadero culpable, en caso de que esté presente en la rueda. También existen algunas controversias con respecto a la fiabilidad de la rueda de reconocimiento en función de la edad del testigo, del número de personas que la conforman, del procedimiento para llevarla a cabo, entre otras. Con el objetivo de acotar la evidencia empírica en torno a estas cuestiones, se presenta una revisión de estudios meta-analíticos y diversos estudios experimentales, desde los cuales se han podido identificar los procedimientos más adecuados para optimizar la eficacia en la precisión de la declaración de los testigos presenciales de un delito en el contexto de una rueda de reconocimiento.

The line-up is a police investigative procedure aimed at identifying the perpetrator of a crime. It is a relatively common practice that can result in consolidating suspicions or ruling out lines of investigation. The identification parade is usually preceded by the exhibition of a photo album and it is also common to ask the same witness to make a description or sketch of the perpetrator. There are strong suspicions that the concatenation of these police identification steps undermines the effectiveness of the eyewitness statement in identifying the real culprit, if present at the line-up. There is also some controversy regarding the reliability of the identification parade, depending on the age of the witness, the number of people involved, the procedure for carrying it out, among others. In order to narrow down the empirical evidence on these issues, a review of meta-analytical studies and various experimental studies is presented, based on which it has been possible to identify the most appropriate procedures to optimise the effectiveness in the accuracy of eyewitness testimony in the context of a line-up.

A roda de reconhecimento é um procedimento de investigação policial que visa identificar o autor de um crime. É uma prática relativamente comum que pode resultar na consolidação de suspeitas ou na exclusão de linhas de investigação. A roda de identificação é geralmente precedida pela exibição de um álbum de fotos e é comum pedir à mesma testemunha que faça uma descrição ou um esboço do autor do crime. Há fortes suspeitas de que a concatenação dessas etapas de identificação policial prejudica a eficácia do depoimento da testemunha ocular na identificação do verdadeiro culpado, se presente nessa fase. Há também alguma controvérsia quanto à confiabilidade da roda de reconhecimento, dependendo da idade da testemunha, do número de pessoas envolvidas, do procedimento para realizá-la, entre outros. A fim de restringir as evidências empíricas sobre essas questões, é apresentada uma revisão de estudos metanalíticos e experimentais, a partir dos quais foi possível identificar os procedimentos mais adequados para otimizar a eficácia na precisão do depoimento de testemunhas oculares no contexto de uma roda de reconhecimento.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218117


Background: The prostate is a male reproductive accessory gland which gives rise to several pathological conditions. The present study aims to study the correlation of histopathology of prostatic diseases with the clinical profile of the patient coming to VSS Medical College (VSSMC), Burla for histopathological reporting of prostatic biopsies. Aim and Objectives: The objectives of this study were as follows: (1) To correlate serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level with various clinical and pathological lesions of the prostrate gland, in a Hospital-based sample of Western Odisha population. (2) As the male gender represents almost half of the entire population, to find out different clinicopathological lesions, percentage-wise, so as to know the frequency of occurrence of such lesions. Materials and Methods: Fifty-seven cases of prostatic diseases were recorded in the Department of Pathology, VSSMC, Burla for histopathological examination of prostatic tissue for 2 years from September 2017 to August 2019. All the samples were fixed in 5 ? sections with 10% neutral buffered formalin. Then Hematoxylin and Eosin stain (H and E stain) was used for staining. Appropriate clinical data comprising signs and symptoms, laboratory findings, and serum PSA levels were recorded. Results: The present study, in the beginning, consisted of 64 patients, out of which seven patients were excluded by exclusion criteria, and finally, 57 cases were analyzed. The most prevalent age group for all prostatic diseases was 61–70 years with a mean of 67 years. The majority of the cases (73.67%) were benign mostly benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) was 12.29% and malignant cases (all adenocarcinoma) were also 12.29%. All patients showed prostatomegaly. About 50% of cases suggestive of malignancy by digital rectal examination (DRE) were confirmed to be carcinoma by histopathological study. Serum creatinine level was raised in 16.27% of benign and 21.42% of premalignant and malignant conditions. Serum PSA level below 4 ng/mL were all benign and above 10 ng/mL were majority malignant conditions. However, at level 4–10 ng/mL, BPH and PIN cases were overlapped with cases of carcinoma. Conclusion: Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most commonly encountered prostatic lesion. Serum PSA level <4 ng/mL is associated with benign conditions and more than 10 ng/mL is associated more with carcinomas. Although, investigations such as DRE and serum PSA estimation aid in diagnosis, a definitive diagnosis of benign and malignant lesions of prostate can be made by histopathological study of prostatic biopsies.

Medisan ; 27(3)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514555


Durante estos años, condicionados por los efectos de una pandemia y la situación económica global, la incorporación oportuna de los resultados científico-técnicos es necesidad y responsabilidad de la comunidad científica. En este trabajo se expone una experiencia en la introducción de resultados científicos desde la formación doctoral, dirigida al área de la atención inicial al paciente con traumatismo maxilofacial. La importancia de esta práctica radica en los aportes social, científico y profesional y en la formación de recursos humanos para lograr la transformación y el mejoramiento de la realidad.

During these years, conditioned by the effects of a pandemic and the global economic situation, the opportune incorporation of the scientific technical results is necessity and responsibility of scientific community. An experience in the introduction of scientific results from the doctoral training, directed to the area of initial care to the patient with maxillofacial traumatism, is presented in this work. The importance of this practice resides in the social, scientific, professional contributions and in the formation of human resources to achieve the transformation and improvement of reality.

Biomedical Research , Algorithms , Clinical Protocols , Maxillofacial Injuries
Medisan ; 27(3)jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514550


Introducción: La concepción del impacto social de las tesis doctorales en ciencias biomédicas ha requerido un enfoque integrador que privilegie una orientación de ciencia e innovación tecnológica en salud, para la transferencia de progresos e innovaciones biomédicas. Objetivo: Describir la concepción del impacto social en las tesis doctorales en ciencias biomédicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, desde diciembre del 2022 hasta marzo del 2023, de 40 informes de tesis doctorales -seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple- publicados en el Repositorio de Tesis en Ciencias Biomédicas y de la Salud en Cuba. A tal efecto, la variable concepción del impacto social en dichas tesis fue evaluada según 3 indicadores medidos en las categorías alto, medio y bajo. Resultados: En las tesis doctorales estudiadas, 22,5 % correspondió a las ciencias médicas, 5,0 % a las de la enfermería, 22,5 % a las estomatológicas y 25,0 %, tanto a las ciencias de la educación médica, como a las de la salud, respectivamente. Se obtuvo un predominio de los informes de las ciencias estomatológicas en la categoría bajo en los 2 indicadores relacionados con el aporte y la relevancia del problema social que abordaban (con 55,5 % en cada uno). Conclusiones: Se verificó que la concepción del impacto social en las tesis doctorales de las ciencias biomédicas fue limitada, pues lo más importante en estas fue sustentar el impacto científico.

Introduction: The conception of the social impact in the doctoral theses in biomedical sciences has required an integrative approach that favors a science orientation and technological innovation in health, for the transfer of biomedical progress and innovations. Objective: To describe the conception of social impact in biomedical sciences dissertations. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, from December 2022 to March 2023, of 40 doctoral theses reports -selected by simple random sampling- published in the Repository of Biomedical and Health Sciences Theses in Cuba. For this purpose, the variable conception of social impact in these theses was evaluated according to 3 indicators measured in high, medium and low categories. Results: In the doctoral theses analyzed, 22.5% corresponded to medical sciences; 5.0% to nursing; 22.5% to stomatology and 25.0% either to medical education sciences or to health sciences, respectively. A predominance of reports from dental sciences in the low category was obtained in the 2 indicators related to the contribution and relevance of the social problem they addressed (with 55.5% in each one). Conclusions: It was verified that the conception of social impact in biomedical sciences dissertations was limited, since the most important thing in these ones was to support the scientific impact.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 580-585, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991675


Objective:To study the population distribution of Pomacea spp. in Shandong Province and the risk of angiostrongyliasis cantonensis in the local population, and to provide a basis for scientific prevention and control of related diseases. Methods:From July to December 2021, Yanzhou District of Jining City, Ningyang County of Taian City, and Dongying District of Dongying City were selected as surveillance sites to investigate the population and distribution range of Pomacea spp., live snail samples were collected for morphological and genetic identification, and Pomacea spp. infected with the larva of Angiostrongylus cantonensis was detected by lung test. At the same time, sentinel hospital case surveillance was carried out in Yanzhou District, Jining City, and questionnaire was used to study the local residents' awareness of angiostrongyliasis cantonensis and their personal health behaviors. Results:A total of 312 live snail samples were collected. After morphological identification, they were all Pomacea spp.. After gene sequencing, two populations of Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculata were found. No positive snails infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis were found. A total of 126 patients with headache as the main neurological symptom were admitted to the sentinel hospital, but there were no monitoring cases that met the inclusion criteria. Among the survey population, 48.38% (134/277) of the respondents had heard of angiostrongyliasis cantonensis, 44.77% (124/277) knew that eating Margarya melanioides might cause angiostrongyliasis cantonensis, and 83.39% (231/277) had no related unhealthy eating behavior. Conclusion:Pomacea spp. is found and reported for the first time in Shandong Province, and there is a risk of population infection with angiostrongyliasis cantonensis.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 325-327, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991629


Objective:To learn about the progress of prevention and control of drinking-water-borne endemic arsenic poisoning in Henan Province, and provide scientific basis for achieving the goal of eliminating high arsenic hazards as scheduled.Methods:From July to August 2019, in accordance with the requirements of the National Monitoring Program for Drinking-water-borne Endemic Arsenic Poisoning, a general survey was carried out in 26 high-arsenic villages in 6 counties of Henan Province to investigate the water improvement situation and the operation of water improvement projects, and the arsenic content in drinking water of households was measured, meanwhile, the arsenic poisoning status of permanent residents in high-arsenic villages was investigated.Results:All 26 villages with high arsenic content in the province had undergone water improvement, with a water improvement rate of 100.00%. A total of 18 water improvement projects were investigated in 26 high-arsenic villages, all of which were operating normally. Twenty-six water samples were collected, and the arsenic content in the household water was < 0.01 mg/L, which met the sanitary standards for drinking water. No patient of endemic arsenic poisoning was found during the survey.Conclusion:In Henan Province, the drinking-water-borne endemic arsenic poisoning has been effectively controlled, and the prevention and control achievements should continue to be consolidated in the future.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 216-221, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991608


Objective:To analyze the prevention and treatment of Kaschin-Beck disease in Fu County, Shaanxi Province, so as to provide basis for consolidating the results of Kaschin-Beck disease prevention and control and the treatment of patients with Kaschin-Beck disease.Methods:The epidemiological investigation of data and clinical data Kaschin-Beck disease from 1954 to 2022 were collected from the Fu County Institute for Endemic Disease Prevention and Control and People's Hospital of Fu County in Shaanxi Province, respectively. The retrospective study was used to investigate the prevention and control of Kaschin-Beck disease in Fu County through the adoption of comprehensive measures such as relocation, grain exchange, water improvement, conversion of farmland to forest and so on.Results:In 1954, there were 6 endemic townships and 127 endemic villages of Kaschin-Beck disease in Fu County, with a total population of 78 781. A total of 16 327 patients with Kaschin-Beck disease were detected by X-ray examination, with a detection rate of 20.72%, including 5 434 patients without clinical symptoms. There were 5 850 patients with clinical grade Ⅰ, 3 725 patients with clinical grade Ⅱ and 1 318 patients with clinical grade Ⅲ. In 1975, the first general survey of Kaschin-Beck disease was conducted in the whole county, with a total population of 101 341. A total of 9 575 patients with Kaschin-Beck disease were detected by X-ray examination, with a detection rate of 9.45%, including 3 247 cases without clinical symptoms. Among the patients with symptoms, there were 3 704 cases of clinical grade Ⅰ, 2 006 cases of clinical grade Ⅱ and 618 cases of clinical grade Ⅲ. The patients with Kaschin-Beck disease were mainly local residents, accounting for 93.92% (8 993/9 575). In 1997, 27 320 students aged 7 to 16 years in 342 schools of 15 townships were examined and found that there were 169 cases without clinical symptoms with X-ray changes, only 2 cases with clinical grade Ⅰ, and the detection rate decreased to 0.63%. In 1997, Fu County began to encourage relocation and grain exchange to prevent Kaschin-Beck disease. The relocation targets were mainly the seriously ill villages with new cases among children and poor living conditions. By 1999, a total of 100 households and 469 people were relocated, and by 2020, 1 569 households and 5 334 people were relocated. In 1997 and 1998, measures were taken to improve water quality in 43 natural villages in 6 townships, with 1 591 households and 7 375 people benefiting. In 2010, a general survey of Kaschin-Beck disease was conducted in 15 townships of Fu County, with a total population of 135 858, and 3 424 patients with Kaschin-Beck disease were detected by X-ray examination, with a detection rate of 2.52%. There were 2 885 cases with clinical symptoms, including 1 584 cases with clinical grade Ⅰ, 1 024 cases with clinical grade Ⅱ and 277 cases with clinical grade Ⅲ. Among them, 32 561 minors under 16 years old were examined, and 49 patients with Kaschin-Beck disease were detected by X-ray examination, with a detection rate of 0.15%, and all of them were clinical gradeⅠ patients. In 2014, a total of 73 600 people were surveyed in 170 endemic villages of Fu county, and 2 885 patients with Kaschin-Beck disease were detected by X-ray examination, with a detection rate of 3.92%. Compared with 2010, the number of patients with Kaschin-Beck disease increased zero, and there were no underage patients under the age of 16 for 4 consecutive years. By the end of 2016, 666.67 hm 2 of farmland had been converted to forest in Fu County, involving 9 townships (including communities), 33 administrative villages and 1 993 households. In 2018, another general survey of Kaschin-Beck disease was conducted in Fu County, with a total population of 157 362. A total of 2 308 patients were detected by X-ray examination, with a detection rate of 1.47%. Among them, there were 1 270 cases of clinical grade Ⅰ, 870 cases of clinical grade Ⅱ and 168 cases of clinical grade Ⅲ, and there were no patients with Kaschin-Beck disease under 16 years old in the county for 8 consecutive years (2011-2018). In the same year, 22 cases of Kaschin-Beck disease joint replacement were completed in Fu County, and by January 2022, about 60 cases had completed joint replacement. Conclusion:The prevention and control of Kaschin-Beck disease in Fu County has achieved remarkable results through comprehensive measures such as relocation, grain exchange, water improvement and conversion of farmland to forest.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 864-868, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991427


Objective:To investigate the quality issues in medical reviews written by medical postgraduate students, and to provide a reference for improving the quality of medical reviews written by such students.Methods:A total of 141 medical reviews written by the medical postgraduate students from various affiliated hospitals of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from 2018 to 2022 were collected, and the quality of these medical reviews was evaluated in terms of topic selection and writing expression skills. As for topic selection, a self-designed innovative questionnaire (hereinafter referred to as topic questionnaire) was used to collect the evaluation of external experts, and as for writing expression, the reviews were assessed based on the criteria in relevant literature from the aspects of the outline of the review, the timeliness of references, analysis and evaluation, and the quality of the text. EPIDATA 3.2 was used to input data, and SPSS 20.0 was used for the chi-square test.Results:A total of 135 (96%, 135/141) valid questionnaires were collected in this study, and the results showed that 70% (94/135) of the review topics lacked novelty. The assessment of writing skills showed that 95% (128/135) of the reviews had outdated references, and 68% (92/135) lacked focus, hierarchy or logic in outline, which accounted for a higher proportion than the reviews with analysis and evaluation issues (59%, 80/135) and text quality issues (61%, 83/135) ( P<0.05). Conclusion:There are many quality issues in the medical reviews written by medical postgraduate students, such as a lack of novelty in topic selection and low overall quality of outlines. In order to improve the abilities of scientific research among medical postgraduate students, universities and supervisors should strengthen the guidance of innovative thinking in topic selection and enhance the training of writing expression skills, such as scientific analysis and logic.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 198-203, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991285


Objective:To carry out opening experiments on occupational health and occupational medicine for students majoring in preventive medicine, reform the experimental teaching mode, and explore the teaching methods to improve students' professional quality and scientific research ability.Methods:Opening experiments were carried out in the experimental course of occupational health and occupational medicine for students of preventive medicine major. A total of 147 students majoring in preventive medicine of Batch 2016 were classified as the control group, and the routine confirmatory experiment was carried out in the group; 176 students majoring in preventive medicine of Batch 2017 were classified as the experimental group, and this group carried out opening experiment. The evaluation was made from three aspects: comprehensive evaluation results, teacher self-evaluation and student satisfaction survey. SPSS 22.0 software was used for analysis and comparison by independent-samples t-test and Chi-square test. Results:The theoretical scores of the experimental group and the control group students were (84.37±10.45) vs. (81.44±9.22) ( t=2.68, P=0.008), and the experimental skills scores were (93.66±3.89) vs. (88.41±5.67) ( t=9.51, P<0.001). Questionnaire investigation showed that the students in the opening experimental group were more satisfied with the courses arrangement ( χ2=8.31, P=0.004), group cooperation ( χ2=21.10, P<0.001), assessment form ( χ2 =7.92, P=0.005), improvement of the writing ability of scientific research papers ( χ2 =17.56, P<0.001), improvement of practical skills ( χ2=11.70, P=0.001), logical thinking, language organization and expression ability ( χ2=10.33, P=0.001). They considered the opening experiment was helpful to cultivate innovative thinking and ability, but it had limited effect on the cultivation of employment advantages. And the students considered the opening experiments of setting up professional courses was sufficient and necessary. Conclusion:Carrying out opening experiments for students majoring in preventive medicine is helpful to improve students' professional quality and cultivate their practical ability and scientific research ability.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 607-610, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980038


@#In September 2020, three pulmonary tuberculosis cases were identified during school physical examinations at a senior high school in a district (School B) of Hangzhou City. Immediate epidemiological surveys were performed by local district and Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and a pulmonary tuberculosis outbreak involving 9 cases in 6 schools were identified. All cases were once Grade 9 students in Class of 2019 at a junior high school (School A), and the source of infection might be a laboratory-confirmed cases (index case) in this class reported in April, 2019. Following exposure to index case, other cases developed disease onset or were screened after entering senior high schools. In November, 2020, tuberculin skin test and chest X-ray scan were performed to screen pulmonary tuberculosis among 43 students and teachers in a class of Grade 9 in Class of 2019 at School A, and 17 students strongly positive for tuberculin skin test were given prophylactic therapy. No pulmonary tuberculosis case were identified until June 2021. It is suggested that early epidemiological surveys facilitates the identification of the epidemiological correlation between cases. Active search for individuals with common exposure history and prophylactic therapy are required if a possible outbreak is found, which is helpful to avoid the spread of the outbreak.

Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 561-563, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979915


ObjectiveTo identify causal factors of a case of severe Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia in Yangpu District and provide a scientific basis for effective prevention and control. MethodsBasic information and epidemiological data of the patient were collected through telephone interviews and field epidemiological surveys. Specimens from the patient, close contacts and the environment were collected for pathogen detection. Metagenomics next-generation sequencing (mNGS) was used to identify unknown pathogens. ResultsA 65-year-old male patient with a history of hypertension and diabetes was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of fatigue, poor appetite for a week, fever and cough for four days. A chest computer tomography (CT) scan showed scattered inflammation in the left lung with infiltration of multiple lobes. Blood gas analysis showed type I respiratory failure. The results of mNGS on the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of the patient indicated that he was infected with Chlamydia psittaci. Epidemiological investigation showed a clear history of avian exposure, with an incubation period of 30 days. ConclusionThis serious pneumonia is a zoonotic disease caused by Chlamydia psittaci. A clear history of avian exposure and the use of mNGS technology can help in the timely diagnosis of this disease.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 205-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979617


@#Objective To understand the overall under-reporting of cause of death monitoring in Hainan Province, and to provide a scientific basis for evaluating the data from death registration report and health planning in Hainan. Methods Multi-stage cluster random sampling was used, all towns/streets in cities and counties of the province were ranked from highest to lowest in terms of crude death rate, divided into high, medium and low levels (the number of each level was basically the same), and one was randomly selected from each level. A total of three towns/streets were used as survey areas, and all households in the area were survey households. Death information of resident population during 2018-2020 was collected and compared with routine surveillance data for the same period. The under-reporting rate was calculated, and comparison between groups was performed by chi-square. Results A total of 12 583 death cases were investigated from 2018 to 2020, and the average mortality was 621.48/105. 4 809 cases were missed with the total under-reporting rate of 38.22%. The under-reporting rate from 2018 to 2020 were 39.75%, 39.99% and 34.77% (χ2=30.404, P<0.01) respectively. The under-reporting rate in eastern and central and western areas were 30.33%, 30.10% and 60.15% (χ2=931.901, P<0.01) respectively. The negative rate were different in different years old group (χ2=14.834, P<0.05). Of the 4 809 under-reported cases, as many as 93.49% died at home, and the composition of deaths in hospitals was about 10 times higher in the center than in the east and west, and the proportion of those who died in hospital in central areas was about 10 times higher than in eastern and central areas. Conclusions More than half of the cities and counties in Hainan Province have improved the completeness of cause of death surveillance data. The under-reporting rate in age group <5 years are still high, and regular under-reporting investigations are still needed to strengthen the reporting and management of death information.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 136-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979605


@#Abstract: Objective To investigate the prevalence and pathogenic characteristics of Yersinia enterocolitica infection in children with diarrhea under 5 years of age in western Yunnan, and to provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea in children. Methods Feces were collected from under five-year-old children with diarrhea in the First Affiliated Hospital of Dali University from 2020 to 2021. Clinical information of the cases was also collected. Yersinia enterocolitica was isolated from the samples after cold enrichment on selective culture plates, and the pathogenic characteristics of Yersinia enterocolitica were analyzed by biological type and serotype and virulence gene detection. Results A total of 397 feces were collected. Seven strains of Yersinia enterocolitica were isolated in three samples, and the prevalence of Yersinia enterocolitica infection was 0.76% (3/397). Among the three positive samples, two Yersinia frederiksenii or Yersinia intermedia were isolated in specimen No. 212 , and five Yersinia enterocolitica were detected in specimens No. 24 and 226. Two Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from one sample were biological type 1A, and the virulence gene test results were ail-/ystA-/ ystB+ /yadA-/virF-, which were non-pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. Three Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from the other sample were biological type 3, serotype O∶3 (rfbc+), and virulence gene detection results were ail+/ystA+/ystB-/yadA+ /virF+, which were pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. While pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica was detected from feces of children with diarrhea at 11 months of age with a infection rate of 0.50%(2/397). Conclusion Sporadic infection of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica was found in under five-year-old children in western Yunnan Province. It is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and research of Yersinia enterocolitica.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 418-420,424, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973451


Abstract@#A suspected case of cutaneous anthrax was reported by Gongliu County Disease Control and Prevention Center, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on August 19, 2021. Then, an epidemiological survey was performed by a joint investigation team consisting of professionals from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Center for Disease Control and Prevention, intermediate-level trainees from the Field Epidemiology Training Program of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and professionals from Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 11 cutaneous anthrax cases were identified, including 8 suspected cases and 3 clinically diagnosed cases, and all cases were villagers in Y Village, X Township, Gongliu County, without severe case or deaths found. The onset of the first case occurred on July 27, and the onset of the last case occurred on August 16. The main clinical manifestations included ulcerative eschar on hands and exposed skin of the upper extremity. A Bacillus anthracis isolate was detected in meat samples from infected cattle. Epidemiological surveys showed that villagers did not report infected cattle to related sectors and privately slaughtered and ate meat from infected cattle without any effective protective measures, resulting in this outbreak. It is recommended to strengthen health education for people raising, selling and slaughtering livestock, and publicize zoonotic disease control knowledge, including anthrax, and establish an effective surveillance and response system for anthrax for immediate identification and treatment of epidemics.

Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 126-131, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973428


ObjectiveTo investigate a suspected outbreak of healthcare-associated infection (HAI) caused by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia (CRKP) in a secondary grade-A hospital, analyze the infection source and transmission route, and put forward corresponding preventive and control measures. MethodsEpidemiological investigation was conducted on 5 patients with CRKP infection in department of neurosurgery during December 23‒30, 2021. Specimens were collected with the environmental microbiology monitoring procedure. CRKP isolated from the environmental samples were analyzed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) method. Comprehensive measures were taken to control the CRKP infection. ResultsThe 5 infected patients were located in 3 rooms, and all were diagnosed as HAI. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing results from the specimens of 3 CRKP infected patients were the same. Through environmental microbiology monitoring, CRKP strains were detected from the faucet handle and sink specimens in 3 rooms. The results of MLST analysis showed that the faucet handle and sink specimens in room 2 and 3 were ST11 type. The environmental specimen in room 1 was ST23 type. The suspected outbreak was effectively controlled after comprehensive interventions. ConclusionHAI suspected outbreak might be caused by the environmental contamination from the pathogens of CRKP-infected patients as well as the contaminated hands of medical staff and accompanying family members. Strengthening the publicity, education and management of medical staff and accompanying staff, early identification of infection outbreaks, and timely comprehensive control measures are the keys to controlling multidrug-resistant nosocomial infection outbreaks.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 355-358, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971805


Objective@#To investigate the creation of smoke-free environments in public places in Hangzhou City, so as to provide insights into effective implementation of the tobacco control policy. @*Methods@#The party and government administrations at each level, medical institutions, educational places, restaurants and entertainment places, and open public places were enrolled. The creation of smoke-free environments was investigated in these places through undercover investigation with field observations and concealed photography by a third-party professional investigation company from November to December, 2022. The building of smoke-free environments (totally 60 scores) and no smoking indoors (totally 40 scores) were evaluated according to the Criteria for Scoring of Smoke-free Organizations in Hangzhou City. @*Results@#Totally 909 places were investigated, and the comprehensive score of smoke-free environment building was (82.83±14.13) points. There were 285 party and government administrations with a comprehensive score of (84.19±12.85) points, 65 medical institutions with a comprehensive score of (90.35±6.95) points, 65 educational places with a comprehensive score of (83.43±16.81) points, 403 dining and entertainment places with a comprehensive score of (80.68±14.75) points, and 91 open public places, with a comprehensive score of (82.34±14.77) points. There were 397 places with standardized tobacco control tips at entrances (43.67%), 308 places with tobacco control signs posted as required (33.88%), 707 places that set outdoor smoking areas correctly (77.78%), 68 places with smoking paraphernalia (7.48%), 28 places with tobacco sales (3.08%). There were 732 places without signs of indoor smoking (80.53%), 850 places without indoor smoking (93.51%) and 24 places without dissuading from smoking (2.64%).@*Conclusion @#The indoor no-smoking is overall satisfactory in public places in Hangzhou City; however, standardizing no-smoking tips at entrances, standardizing the posting of no-smoking signs and assignment of tobacco control materials remain to be improved.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 68-70, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959006


Abstract@#On March 12, 2022, a case with Plasmodium vivax malaria was reported in the First Hospital of Jiaxing City. The case sought healthcare services due to persist, sharp distending pain of the brain and fever on February 25, 2022, and the symptoms showed no improvements following symptomatic treatment. Microscopy identified malaria parasites on March 12, and the case was definitively diagnosed as P. vivax malaria on March 13. The case was discharged from hospital on March 16 and relapsed on June 15. The case was a veteran from the China-Myanmar border, where malaria is highly prevalent, and had no history of travel after returning to Jiaxing City on October 2021. Based on epidemiological history and laboratory tests, the case was diagnosed as a cross-border mosquito-borne imported case of P. vivax malaria. The case was given treatment with mosquito vector isolation, and the case's family members, neighbors and colleagues were all tested negative for malaria parasites. There was no Anopheles sinensis detected in the case' residence; however, Anopheles was detected in the neighboring areas, indicating a risk of re-establishment. Returners from high-risk regions including borders and labor exporters are recommended to be included in malaria surveillance, and the sensitivity of malaria surveillance requires to be maintained and the diagnostic and treatment capability of malaria requires to be improved in medical institutions.